According to me following cover has no value in philatelic world. Reason for this is
1) Gandhi stamp from India is only to make money. There is no point of having this as this cover is not FFC mailed from India.
2) Having 2 different type of cancellation (paquebot/special and Singapore Philatelic Bureau cancellation).
3) This is not Paquebot cover because ship is not register in India.!!
Airbus A380 is new top of the line passenger airplane which can carry 500-850 people depending on configuration. Airbus A380 is now started flying to Singapore and USA.
Look at following cover and you decide. Is it FFC or Paquebot or Rubber stamps. As per seller this is Singapore Airlines FFC from Singapore to Zurich.
Cover itself looks nice with 3 stamps from 2 countries and 3 cancellation/rubber stamps with picture of newest airplane Airbus 380.

This cover has stamps from India and postmark cancellation of "FastNet Lines Ferry Services Swansea 1st March 2010, 1896-2010 Paquebot 2010"
Also it has another 50 cents stamp from Singapore with CDS of "Philatelic Bureau 27 March 2010 Singapore".
And ofcourse rubber stamp of Singapore Airlines and Printed picture of Lufthansa Airlines First Flight A380.
I think it's a FAKE cover looking at following.
1) Mahatma Gandhi India Stamp & Emblem of India Service stamp (mostly used by goverment) does not make sense on this cover. why?
It is flight from Singapore to Zurich.
2) Cancellation on India stamp is from "FastNet Lines Ferry Services" which operates ships from Ireland to Wales to carry passenger and other goods.
What to do this on flight from Singapore to Zurich. ?
Why they are messing up with Indian stamp which is not even worth for local postage charge?
3) Paquebot cover will have CDS from other countries not CDS of ship.!! Also postage stamp should be from country where ship is register and in this case this is from Ireland. So this is not a Paquebot cover.!!
4) Also 50 cents Singapore stamp which is not valid for Airmail.!! It requires $1.10 ( look at screen shot at the end of the post). 50 Cents is only for surface mail so this not a FFC.!!
5) Now regarding Singapore Philatelic Bureau Cancellation, it also looks flaky.!! Click this link and you decide. ( Look at the Alphabet on both cancellation and also look where they are located in both). We can argue that this might be newly made by Philatelic bureau but looking to all other things on this cover it does not make sense.
One more thing is that Singapore Goverement is very strict on rules and regulations so not sure how this kind of things get away from Singapore Philatelic Bureau.!!
After looking to this information I think this is a very unique FAKE cover. I had never seen this many forgery on single cover. This cover is completely made under single roof.!! instead of First Flight Cover in which cover needs to travel on first flight and needs to have CDS from both departure and arrival cities.
Gandhi Collectors beware of this kind of FFC. Looks like all new FFC after 2000 are questionable as popularity of Gandhi Philately is increasing there are lot of people who wants to make quick bucks and in future(after 10-20 years) this FFC will be worth more as new collectors will not know about this.!!
After all this stuff going on with Gandhi Philately with stolen Gandhi Philatelic material from Goverment of India, Possibly Fake 1969 cancel, 2010 Germany fake Cancel on Mahatma Gandhi's Birthday, Fake Postcard from china post, fake sellers, fake addresses etc I started thinking that what I am doing here.!! & I hope you will also start thinking this.!!
If you are seller of this cover or maker of this cover please clarify with sufficent proof about this cover so we can make changes in this blog post & more collectors will trust this cover and will add in their collection.
Gandhi Collectors, What do you think about this cover? Please reply by writing a comment on this blog post.
BTW: I don't own this cover.!!
Further reading:
1) Look at Singapore Postal Rate Calculation
2) Fastnet Lines Ferry Services
3) Sold on ebay for $11 which is not that much compare to pain of making this cover. It takes lot of time to make cover so $11 is good price is this GENUINE.!!

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