Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Think Different - Part 2 (Churchill & Gandhi)

Hello Gandhi Collector,

I am surprised by a USA collector/dealer who made above cover. In 1965 he was "Thinking Differently" and made this cover. Main point to look at this that Churchill & Gandhi together.

So don't look at Where is postmark cancel, How stamps are affixed on cover, Value of affixed stamps on cover(it's more than what's required in 1965), photo of Churchill used on cachcet, photo of tower used on cachect etc. Just enjoy cover as much you can without making a point/shot whoever made this and whoever is owning it right now or who did this whether it is Indian or Americian.!!

Learn from this cover and try to "Think Differently" instead of increasing value of Gandhi item by Shill bidding, FAKE Postmark Cancel, Making Fake Gandhi Used Register covers from Mauritius and other countries and lot of other things.

I really admire "Thinking Power" of that person who did all this effort to make this special FDC.

Once Winston Churchill called Gandhi "Naked Fakir".

Churchill quotes on Gandhi is "It is alarming and also nauseating to see Mr Gandhi, a seditious Middle-Temple lawyer, now posing as a fakir of a type well-known in the East, striding half-naked up the steps of the Vice-regal palace... to parley on equal terms with the representative of the King-Emperor"

Churchill opposed Mohandas Gandhi's peaceful disobedience revolt and the Indian Independence movement in the 1930s, arguing that the Round Table Conference "was a frightful prospect". Later reports indicate that Churchill favoured letting Gandhi die if he went on hunger strike.

So this is really interesting cover where 2 of them are together!! So this is known as positive creativity instead of negative creativity. So if someone Think Different they can do it both +ve or -ve things.

Also don't compare Apple and Oranges. Of course both taste good if it is purchased from good seller, but if it is purchase from bad seller than chance are it might not taste good. Also buyer will tell others that don't buy from that bad seller.!!! and also tell others to beware of buying from that bad seller. In Gandhi Philatelic world there are few bad sellers.!!

Any comments or concern are welcome and start Thinking Different.

Further Reading.
1) Think Different "Apple & Gandhi"


Monday, April 26, 2010

Gandhi stamp value declining.!! - Part 2 (Somalia Gandhi stamp and Yemen Gandhi stamp)

Hello Gandhi Collector,

It is a great news for new Gandhi Collector who want to start collecting Gandhi stamps because I am seeing Gandhi stamps value is really going down.
In January 2010 I wrote about Gandhi stamp value declining and I am writing part-2 about Gandhi Stamp value.
On April 23rd Gandhi stamp from Yemen sold for $3.50 & Gandhi 3 stamps from Somalia sold for $8.70 on ebay. Following is screen shot.

I bought Somalia & Yemen Gandhi stamps in January 2009 for $32.00. so I lost $20 which is 62%.!! During same time US stock market & 401k accounts went up by 40-50%.!! You might be thinking how in the world "Mr. Patel" paid this much!!. But I did as I was not aware about what's going on in Gandhi Philately.

Both transaction was from same seller "sedin01" from Isarel. (see at bottom of this blog post for more screen shot).
So this means that I lost money as well as this dealer"sedin01"also lost money(from profit) on this Gandhi stamps.
So again my questions are
1) Why price declining in Gandhi Stamps?
2) Is it temporary decline or forever.?
3) Or I paid more in Jan 2009? My answer is YES !! (Again My Experience)
4) Someone was/is playing with new Gandhi collectors (In this case it's me!!!)
5) What is real value of this stamps?
6) Are RESELLER of Gandhi stamps are more educated about bidding on Gandhi stamps? (Now they might be thinking what to do with this overpriced purchases.!!)
7) Do you think price will further decline and become just piece of paper instead of stamp?
I am not sure whether new collector will ever start collecting Gandhi stamps after reading this price declining in Gandhi stamps!! But I am sure by reading this blog post they will get some hint before they start collecting.
I am writing this because new collector as well as experienced collector should not go through this again.!!
Any comments or concerns are most welcome.

Ketankumar Patel.
Further Reading:-
1) Gandhi Stamp value declining.
2) Pricing Study on Gandhi FDC - Part 1

Following is bigger screen shot for more research.
1) My purchase in Jan 2009.

2) Following is Yemen & Somalia stamps sold on April 23rd 2010 for $3.50 & $8.20 which will combine $12.20

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Pricing study on Gandhi FDC - Part 1 (Costa Rica Gandhi)

Hello Gandhi Collectors,

Today Costa Rica Gandhi FDC ended for $1.90 (1.24 Pounds) on ebay. If I have not bidded on this item than it might have gone for $1.35 (0.99 pounds).!!

Item was listed from United Kingdom (England) by seller "phil-centre" and buyer is unknown because of private listing. I don't know why seller wants to hide bidders, but my guess is that they want to hide their own bidding on their item(shill bidding) so they can increase the price, but that is different research/topic.

I am surprised by price at which this Costa Rica Gandhi FDC is sold and I am not sure what is the real value of Gandhi FDC.

Whether all this pricing is all FAKE (increased by seller) or value of Gandhi FDC is real.

In January I wrote about Gandhi stamp value declining and again my point is it really value declining? or buyer and dealers know this the GAME of Gandhi philately collection.!!!

I paid $10-15 in Feb 2009 when I just started collecting FDC so I am loosing value on this FDC. Is it strange that value is declining or I paid more as I was not aware of what's going on in Gandhi collection.

If any one knows real value of this FDC than please let us know so in future some other new Gandhi collector don't pay more money like me and he is aware of what is real situation instead of just jumping in Gandhi Philately by buying at more price and than regret like me.!!

Any questions or concerns are welcome.

Again thanks for reading this blog post and  Please share your thoughts in the comments section.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

"Think Different" Gandhi & Apple.

Hello Gandhi Collectors,

On April 3rd Apple came out with IPAD. You might be wondering what to do with IPAD & Gandhi Philately.!!

"Think Different" was an advertising slogan created for Apple Computer in 1997 . It was used in a famous television commercial & several print & billboard advertisment for Apple products with Images of different famous people around the world including Gandhi, Einstein, Martin Luther King etc. Apple's use of the slogan was discontinued with the start of the Apple Switch ad campaign in 2002.

(image update on 4/28/10 so readers can see 44 cents stamps)

I understand about using images of MLK, Einstein, Dalai Lama, Muhammed Ali (boxer) & others but Gandhi has great power as an icon from 1890- till today and also in future. If you look at him and you think about him than you will really impressed by his thinking "Think Different" who believed in simplicity, calm, rebellion without violence.

When he died, all his belongings -- Bhagavad Gita (Hindu holy book), his toothbrush & khadki cloth, fit inside couple of shoe boxes. Also he has no "WILL" and so no royalty of his books goes to his family members. So Apple Mac, iMac, iPod, iTouch, iPhone, iPad & i......? are simplicity in look.

So on 3rd April I also started "Think Different"and made a event cover during IPAD deputs.

This is a genuine postmark cancel from USPS postoffice with Gandhi stamp on the cover.

I also started thinking other than Gandhi Rubber Stamps.!! "Think Different"
I know this is not a great Gandhi cover or event related to Gandhi, but I think differently.!! Also all things here are genuine such as stamp, postmark cancel and also photo. Photo is used as per APPLE Inc. guidelines with corporate logo of Apple and also mentioned about "Courtsey of Apple Inc" on my envelope(Event Cover). Following is the link for photos and Apple guidelines.

Any comments are welcome. Thanks for reading & start thinking differently like Gandhi.!! Don't think like Apple.!!

Want to see more of this kind of my creation then click following links.

Martin Luther Memorial  Dedication Cover in Washington DC. (coming soon)

Again thanks for reading and  Please share your thoughts in the comments section.

Ketankumar Patel.

Read comment about this cover by clicking following link.